Day Three—Unexpected Treasure

We invite you to share with us a book or genre you tried due to the influence of another blogger. What made you cave in to try something new and what was the experience like? Before I started blogging or even after a year of blogging I read thrillers, romance, memoirs, literary fiction, horror, and... Continue Reading →

Mailbox Monday and BBAW

As we all know BBAW has already started and unfortunately I did not really get time to get excited enough. I have been busy managing bookings for my parents visit in December, looking for a job, completing the final PR (permanent resident) formalities, looking for an apartment and a few other things. I have managed... Continue Reading →

BBAW: Reading meme!!!

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack? Not usually, I like to concentrate on reading completely, unless it's for read-a-thon 🙂 Here is one of the snacks I made for the last one, yum. I'm soooo excited that it's coming up in October again. Do you tend to mark your books... Continue Reading →


The past 10 days were a blur. My sis and my brother-in-law had come visiting for 10 days and I absolutely did not get time to blog. As there is a major swine flu scare in the city (with a few people dead), we couldn't go out much for the first 5 days, but for... Continue Reading →

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