
I have been busy for the last couple of days, so couldn’t tell you. I got a Kindle as an anniversary gift. Although my husband doesn’t read much, I’m glad that he understands my passion for it ๐Ÿ™‚

Pic from Amazon

It’s a little less user-friendly, probably because we have got used to computers and iPhones. But I got used to it. So far, I love my Kindle, I just wished they had included a few free ebooks with it. Fortunately I already had some with me.

I also made an earring holder from the Kindle box, so I can say I’m using the Kindle to the fullest ๐Ÿ™‚

20 thoughts on “Kindle!!!

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  1. Congrats on your new Kindle! I’m sure you’ll get lots more eBooks soon. ๐Ÿ™‚ One place to download free eBooks is at Good Reads. I found some pretty good eBooks here.

    And the Kindle box earring holder is an absolute brilliant idea! Great job!


  2. I love that you made an earring holder out of your Kindle box! Looks like you had a great birthday. Shhh – don’t tell, but I am getting my boyfriend one for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜‰


  3. Hi Violet,

    I guess that I am going to get left behind soon if I don’t invest in a kindle, but to be honest for the amount of time that I would need to use it, because a conventional book would be a hindrance, is very small.

    It is still a lovely gift and in these times when re-cycling is being thrust upon us, it is a great use of the packaging.



  4. Congratttttttttttsssssssss! Wow! I just got an iPAD as a gift too ;p
    AND i love it.. I have loaded it up too…let me know if u need some eBooks ๐Ÿ˜‰

    love your earring case lol!


  5. Ooh, Kindle! I was kind of opposed to them until my friend showed me his – Now I really like them and want one. heheh! Happy Anniversary!

    I love your earring holder ๐Ÿ˜€ And you have some gorgeous pairs there, hun!


  6. Look forward to seeing how you like your Kindle. I don’t have an ereader yet and am not sure I want one. Maybe you’ll convince me I need one.
    Love your very practical earring holder!


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