Helloooooo All!!!

I came back from my month-long vacation in India on 5th Nov itself but I’ve been so lethargic after coming back. It took me 1 week only to unpack.  I have also been looking for another job since my old job contract got over but it being year-end and all job requirements are few.

Anyway enough of that. I have been reading  lot, mostly YA. I hope I’ll review almost all if not all the books I’ve read. I have started reading Mockingjay now and I loved the previous 2 books. I have around 5-6 review copies but I’m in the mood to read something other than that but hopefully will be able to finish them soon too.

How was the October Readathon? I really wanted to take part but I was home at that time so couldn’t. Hope you all had fun.

I had a nice break from my blog which sometimes is necessary. Even after I came back I thought I’ll start blogging only when I feel like it. And now I’m completely refreshed and realized I miss my blog and bloggers. So here I am.

That said I’m kind of bored of my blog theme. Do you think I should change it?

I guess that’s enough for now. I have a couple of reviews in drafts which will be up soon which will give me some time to finish up the reviews for the new books I’ve read. How have you’ll been?

12 thoughts on “Helloooooo All!!!

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  1. Glad to see you back! I look forward to seeing what you’ve been reading in your time away

    I’m always bored of my blog theme and enjoy tinkering with little things in the background – I suggest you do some experimenting – you can always go back if you don’t like the change. 🙂


  2. Welcome back, Violet! I bet you had a wonderful trip–and I agree, sometimes a break can be refreshing. Hope you have some pictures to share with us. 😉


  3. Hi Violet,

    It is good to have you back and I hope that you get lucky with the job situation very soon, things are pretty dire out there just now, so I know just how you feel.

    I love the change of theme on the blog, much softer and more friendly. I keep wondering about changing my own theme, however my technical expert (AKA hubby!) is kind of busy right now and he insists that with all the extra plug-ins!?? that I have on the site, it won’t be a quick and easy job…

    I too am reading a great YA fantasy novel right now. It was an author request to read and review and although it is not one of my usual reading genres, I am thoroughly enjoying it and certainly don’t feel that it should be confined to the YA market. …. http://www.fiction-books.biz/first-lines/first-lines-the-moon-coin-by-richard-due/


    1. Thanks, I like the new theme as well, I spent a lot of time in deciding which one to use. The best part about not having a self hosted blog is it’s very easy to make changes.

      I haven’t heard of this book but I do love YA.


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